
Search displays the most recent 25 solicitations out of an average of 2,500 - 3,000 new solicitations each day. Updated daily.

State: Massachusetts

Due DateSolicitation Name
11/20/24 Cape Cod Space Force Station Power Generation Microgrid
11/15/24 North River Restoration (Colrain) Grant
10/31/24 Town of Holden Gale Free Library Window Restoration
10/31/24 Rehabilitation of Pump # 6 at New Charles River Dam Pump Station
10/31/24 Feasibility Study for Memorial Hall Improvements (RFP)
10/31/24 National Voluntary Self-Exclusion Program Software (RFI)
10/30/24 Intergrated Pest Management (Request for Qualifications)
10/24/24 Memorial Field Lighting Project
10/24/24 Snow Removal for City and Schools (IFB)
10/23/24 Motorcycle Repairs / WPD
10/23/24 Argenziano Kitchen Expansion (IFB)
10/18/24 206 Magnolia - HVAC Installation
10/18/24 Pump Station Hoist Replacement (IFB)
10/17/24 Aluminum Fencing Installation
10/17/24 Ramp Installation Winthrop Public Library
10/17/24 Disposal of Surplus Earthwork Material
10/17/24 Building Security Monitoring and Maintenance
10/17/24 Folding Partition Wall Replacement At the Cambridge Senior Center
10/17/24 Water Meter Replacement Meters and Parts (IFB)
10/17/24 2024 Parking Meter Removal Project
10/17/24 Advantor Systems Brand Name for Electronic Security Systems (ESS) *SOL
10/17/24 Municipal School Lot Snowplowing Services (IFB)
10/17/24 Farrell Wading Pool Replacement
10/17/24 Inventory Supply and Management for the Water & Sewer Department (IFB)
10/10/24 ITS60 Copado DevOPS Salesforce Tool (Request for Quotes)

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