
Search displays the most recent 25 solicitations out of an average of 2,500 - 3,000 new solicitations each day. Updated daily.

State: Ohio

Due DateSolicitation Name
01/23/25 Overhaul Repair Kit - Request for Quotations*SOLE SOURCE*
01/16/25 Overhead Infrastructure Parts (IFB)
01/10/25 Marketing Services (RFP)
01/10/25 Slater Ice Arena Roof Replacement Section C-1
01/07/25 Citywide Wayfinding Sign Fabrication and Installation Phase II (RFP)
01/07/25 Stroh Center Lighting Upgrades Phase 2
01/06/25 Mendenhall Lab - Classroom Pool Renovation (Request for Qualifications
01/03/25 Utility Poles Replacement and Relocation (IFB)
01/03/25 1922 Club -CM at Risk (Request for Qualifications)
12/30/24 Sidewalk Network and Pedestrian Crossing Improvement Project (IFB)
12/30/24 Longbrook/Yorktown Road Rehabilitation (IFB)
12/23/24 Cain Park Administration Building and Performer Building Renovation Pr
12/23/24 WCA - Lobby Renovation - CM at Risk (Request for Qualifications)
12/20/24 Ethernet Cables (Request for Quote)
12/20/24 Norix (Request for Quote)
12/20/24 DNR New, Model 2024 or Newer Fixed-Wing Airplane (ITB)
12/20/24 Norton Veterans Memorial Park
12/20/24 City Hall Improvements Project
12/20/24 Huron County Pavement Marking - Phase 1
12/18/24 Therapy Chair (Request for Quote)
12/18/24 Emergency Shelter Case Management Services (RFP)
12/13/24 IBM equipment and warranties - ROBO Replace (x2) (Request for Quote) (
12/12/24 IBM Equipment and warranties-ROBO (1X) (Request for Quote) (RE-BID)
12/12/24 Purchase of Granular Activated Carbon
12/11/24 Telerik DevCraft Ultimate SW Renewal (Request for Quote)

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